Jealousy. Awesome phrases about jealousy. Love and jealousy “Aphorisms, sayings, quotes about love and jealousy Quotes about jealousy of a friend

Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about jealousy. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this subject. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of masters of the conversational genre, ingenious words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more ...

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Do not rush into your wife with a cry: “I know everything!”, Otherwise she, what good, will ask you what year the battle of Trafalgar was.

Money plays a secondary role in love - just the role of a means of payment.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

No matter how carefully the two choose each other, they can never be all for each other.
Doris Lessing.

We seek the love of others in order to have another reason to love ourselves.
Denis Didro.

It is very difficult to fall in love immediately and without memory, if you have a kitchen apron.
Jozef Köhler.

Respect and love are capital that must be placed somewhere. Therefore, they are usually inferior on credit.
Karol Izhikovsky.

What eliminates gravity? Strength of habit.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

To love is to stop comparing.
Bernard Grasse.

To give yourself entirely, you need to destroy yourself.
Violetta Ledyuk.

My husband seems to be unfaithful to me. I’m even afraid that it’s not he who is the father of my children!

Women love not heroes, but winners.
Robert Beauvais.

Jealousy is always born with love, but not always with it dies.
Francois Larochefoucauld.

Love may indeed be a disease, but, alas, not contagious.
Hot Petan.

There is no more miserable creature than a fetishist who yearns for a woman’s shoe and is forced to deal with the whole woman.
Karl Kraus.

Adultery brings more evil than marriage - good.
Honore Balzac.

He loves her more than all the others, but he needs others to make sure of this.
Natalie Clifford Barney.

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; the woman is jealous because she does not love herself enough.
Jermaine Greer.

Love is eternal, only lovers change.
Martin Carol

There is no loss painful and short-term than the loss of a beloved woman.
Luc de Wovenarg.

The jealous does not really doubt his wife, but himself.
Honore Balzac.

Stanislav Vapnyak.

Love is the last and most severe childhood illness.

There are no winners in love, there are victims.
Veselin Georgiev.

I always said that a woman should be like a good horror movie: the more space left for the imagination, the better.
Alfred Hitchcock.

True great passion is now quite rare. This is the privilege of people who have nothing more to do.
Oscar Wilde.

True love is like a ghost: everyone is talking about it, but few have seen it.
Francois Larochefoucauld.

Never ask a person what he loves you for: if he thinks about it, it may turn out that there is nothing to love you for.
Konstantin Melihan.

Are you asking if she loves? Does not love. If you loved, you would not ask.
Lech Yakub.

There are no great passions without monetary difficulties.
Ioannina Ipochorskaya.

A constantly adored woman loses her sense of reality.
Zygmunt Kaluzhinsky.

When there is no power for love, there is still power for jealousy.
Maria Dombrovskaya.

Love is selfishness together.
Paraphrased Germaine de Stael.

A man can be happy with any woman, unless he is in love with her.
Oscar Wilde.

With love, the same thing happened with ghosts: since they ceased to believe in them, they have not been shown to anyone.
Magdalena Imposter.

Love is not the plaintive groan of a distant violin, but the triumphant creaking of bed springs.
Sidney Perlman.

Desperate to change her husband, they are cheating on her husband.

Love is the best makeup. But cosmetics are easier to buy.
Yves Saint Laurent.

Buy a dog. This is the only way to buy love for money.

There is nothing more annoying for a man than a promise to love him “always”, while he would prefer to be loved for two or three weeks.
Helen Rowland.

Mademoiselle de Sommery, being caught by her lover at the crime scene, bravely denied it, and when he began to get excited, she said: Ah, I see very well that you stopped loving me; you believe more in what you see than in what I say.

What is most surprising about love at first sight is that it happens to people who have been seeing each other for years.
Jean Anouil.

Non-selling women are most expensive.
Francois Moriac.

I love and I am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.
Ioannina Ipochorskaya.

When you recall the time when you loved, it seems that since then nothing more has happened.
Francois Moriac.

To persuade a man to commit adultery, it is enough to marry him.
Jerzy Wittlin.

Constant distrust is too much a price for the opportunity not to be deceived.
Pierre Bouast

True love is the only opportunity for treason.
Jadwiga Rutkowska.

In a secular society, they like to talk about love, for this matter, interesting in itself, is indissolubly connected with slander and almost always forms its background.
Claude Crabillon.

A woman can make any man a billionaire a millionaire.
Attributed to Charles Chaplin.

The woman who is loved the most is not always the woman who would like to love the most.
Henri Rainier.

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and something different in order to love each other.
Paul Geraldi.

"Always come back to first love." May be. But each time for a different purpose.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

Between whim, passion and love to the grave, the only difference is that whim lasts a little longer.
Oscar Wilde.

If love does not require anything, it is only because it, as it seems to her, already possesses everything.
Vladislav Gzheshchik.

Of all eternal things, love is the shortest.
Jean Baptiste Moliere.

If I loved you, if you loved me, how we would love each other!
Paul Geraldi.

A woman is tormented not by the tyranny of a man, but by his indifference.
Jules Michelet.

He who does not forget his first love, does not recognize the last.
David Burliuk.

To love means to look in the same direction together? Perhaps, but only if they are not watching TV.
Gilbert Sesbronn.

Altars of love are usually made from mattresses.
Weslav Tshaskalsky.

For jealousy, there is nothing worse than laughter.
Francoise Sagan.

It's easier to love memories than a living person.
Pierre La Muir.

Most men ask for evidence of love, which, in their opinion, dispel all doubts; for women, unfortunately, there is no such evidence.

Love is like mercury: you can hold it in an open palm, but not in a clenched hand.
Dorothy Parker

They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.
Abel Ehrman.

Love makes one believe in what is most to be doubted.
Paul Geraldi.

You can fall in love out of jealousy alone.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

We are rarely attached to a woman by what she attracted us to.
John Collins.

The spouse, who does not tell everything to the spouse, probably believes that what she does not know cannot hurt him.
Leo Burke

So easy to be loved, so hard to love.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

Jealousy is a feeling of loneliness among laughing enemies.
Elizabeth Bowen.

Love sometimes comes too suddenly and does not catch us in negligence.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

Love is the most proven way to overcome feelings of shame.
Sigmund Freud.

You can invest a lot of money in an empty woman.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

Jealousy believes everyone and trusts no one.
Vladislav Gzheshchik.

A woman will always sacrifice herself if you provide her with the right occasion. This is her favorite way to please herself.
Somerset Maugham.

Many wives would not cheat on husbands if they knew a more subtle way of revenge.
Jozef Bulatovich.

As soon as love gives everything, it ends in bankruptcy.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

Love is everything. And that’s all we know about her.
Emily Dickinson.

Only an ugly woman can truly love, because she is not in love with herself.
Cornel Makushinsky.

To love is not to look at each other; to love is to look in the same direction together.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Love is a toothache in the heart.
Modified Heinrich Heine.

In love, only the moon is free.

If you don’t love too much, then you love not enough.
Louis de Pettier.

Curiosity is the first step to treason.
Magdalena Imposter.

Eternal love is known only to lovers.
Vladislav Gzheshchik.

A woman always sympathizes with the wound that she did not inflict.
Jean Anouil.

In love, as in nature, the first cold is most sensitive.
Pierre Bouast

In love as in medicine: the inferior doctor is three times more gracious.
Vincentius Stys.

It’s much easier to love all women than just one.
Etienne Ray.

If your wife cheated on you, do not ask again, because it can really amaze you.
Jozef Bulatovich.

There are women who say that they will not accept a centime from you. So they are ruining you.
Sasha Guitry.

Love that does not daily regenerate dies daily.
Khalil Gibran.

Not all wives suspect their husbands - some know for sure.

When you see a fallen woman’s handkerchief, consider whether you are wealthy enough to pick it up.
Mechislav Kozlovsky.

We mentally return to the first love in order to end the last.
Leszek Kumor.

It is difficult to kneel before a woman who is already sitting on them.
Leszek Kumor.

To suspect women of infidelity, we are forced not by their betrayals, but by our own.
Stanislav Vapnyak.

Without falling in love, one cannot come to the conclusion that love does not exist.
Alexander Kulich.

There are two trials of a happy marriage: wealth and poverty.

Love is the triumph of the imagination over the intellect.
Henry Louis Mencken.

If a woman loved the deaf who beat her, and then the blind who robbed her, then her next love would be the deaf and dumb.
Jacques Dewal.

I have never seen a couple who would be happy in adultery.
Tamasin Day-Lewis.

You don’t understand anything if you say to your beloved woman: “Understand!”
Leszek Kumor.

A woman never considers a very smart man who is in love with her.
Paul Leotode.

He no longer loves this woman, beloved ten years ago. Still would! And she is not that, and he is not that. He was young, she too; now she is completely different. That, the former, he, perhaps, would still love.
Blaise Pascal.

When people do not agree in the main, they disagree because of trifles.
Don Aminado.

Ugly women are jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women are not up to it - they are busy with the fact that they are jealous of other husbands.
Oscar Wilde.

Wives are jealous and unloved husbands.
Alfred Conar

You cannot buy love for money, but you can improve the starting position for bargaining.
Lawrence Peter.

Jealous - that means love, not jealous - that means respect.
A. Stass.

She surrendered to him, but did not want to take herself back.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

Nothing is so attached as jealousy.
Andre Morois.

There are fewer horned husbands than disappointed wives.
Jacques Derval.

Every man dreams of supporting a woman at her expense.
Magdalena Imposter.

If you think that women do not explode, try throwing one of them.
Gerald Lieberman.

Always return to first love.
Charles Etienne.

It is easy to understand love at first sight; but how to explain the love of people who have seen each other for years.
Lawrence Peter.

When men talk about money, they think about women.
Arkady Davidovich.

Love is an ocean of feelings, everywhere surrounded by expenses.
Thomas Dewar.

Love is a short period of time when a person of the opposite sex has exactly the same opinion about us as we do.
Magdalena Imposter.

Anger and jealousy endure the absence of their object as badly as love.
George Eliot Mary Ann Evans.

Love is stronger than death; is she stronger than life?
Gregory Landau.

My wife says she doesn’t care what I do when I’m away, provided that it doesn’t give me pleasure.
Lee Trevino.

Men love with their eyes, women love with their ears.
Sari Gabor.

Among the erogenous zones include the wallet.
Leszek Kumor.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others.
Francois Moriac.

Infidelity is like death - it knows no nuances.
Dolphin Girardin.

I can’t live with you or without you.

It’s hard not to appreciate paid love. Its price is usually known in advance.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

Because jealousy is the fury of a husband, and he will not spare on the day of vengeance.
King Solomon - Proverbs, 6, 34.

Love is an attempt by a man to be satisfied with a single woman.
Paul Geraldi.

First love is called all love, to which there were only hobbies.
David Samoilov.

Love is born out of nothing and dies because of everything.
Alphonse Carr.

Our main mistake is not that we believe that women love us, but that we believe that we love them.
Sasha Guitry.

Love is a reward received without merit.
Ricarda Hoh.

A man can love two women, but only until one of them understands what is the matter.

Infinite love corrupts infinitely.
Zhanna Golonogova.

Without you, I’m almost as bad as with you.
Stephen Bishop

Love is based on the fallacy that one woman is different from another.
Henry Louis Mencken.

I missed - that's why it started. He bored me - that's why it ended.
Alexander Dumas the son.

Medicines for love:
1. Do not meet with him, do not call or write to him.
2. An easier way: get to know it better.
Wendy Cope.

I do not forgive her for the fact that I loved her.
Anton Chekhov.

At first I was very jealous of my husband. But when she was cheated, she immediately ceased to be jealous!
Lidia Smirnova

Eternal love: about six months.
Ioannina Ipochorskaya.

It is equally difficult to please both the one who loves very much and the one who no longer loves at all.
Francois Larochefoucauld.

A cheated husband sees cheated husbands everywhere.
Marcel Proust.

The tragedy is not that love passes; tragedy is love that does not pass.
Shirley Hazzard.

We only like jealousy of those whom we ourselves could be jealous of.
Stendhal with reference to Ms. de Coulange.

Blindness is not love, but jealousy.
Lawrence Darrell.

You cannot truly love a person with whom you never laugh.
Agnes Replayer.

Previously, love affairs were fascinatingly mysterious, now they are fascinatingly scandalous.
Nicola Chamfort.

Do not be too affectionate with your wife, otherwise she will suspect the worst.

We stop loving ourselves when they stop loving us.
Germaine de Stael.

Inferiority complex: jealous of a wife for every man; megalomania: consider that she loves you alone.
Boris Krutier.

Love should forgive all sins, but not a sin against love.
Oscar Wilde.

If two love each other, this cannot end happily.
Ernest Hemingway.

Nothing harms the novel so much as a sense of humor in a woman or lack of it in a man.
Oscar Wilde.

Love was invented by troubadours in the 11th century.
Graham Green.

A woman does not want to be talked about her amorous affairs, but she wants everyone to know that she is loved.
Andre Morois.

It was enough for one man to fall in love with a woman for the world to become what it is.

Love is mutual sacrilege.
Karol Izhikovsky.

If a woman loves you, then, in essence, the one she loves is not you. But the one she doesn't love anymore is you.
Paul Geraldi.

He found time to deal with me and to cheat on me every day.
Coco Chanel about his second lover.

No matter how pleasant love is, yet its external manifestations give us more joy than herself.
Francois Larochefoucauld.

Love transfers and forgives everything, but misses nothing. She rejoices a little, but requires everything.
Clive Lewis.

Age is the best cure for love.
Michael Genin.

Jealousy, like illness, worsens in the evening.
Paul Leoto.

Never tell a woman that you are not worthy of her love; she herself knows this.

Indifferent husbands come out of jealous grooms.
Mayne Reid.

Jealousy would not be so painful if we understood how little we deserve a feeling called love.
Paul Eldridge.

For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual.
Don Aminado.

When you are loved, you have no doubt about anything. When you love yourself, you doubt everything.

Love is the best cosmetics.
Gina Lollobrigida.

I never liked the men I was in love with, and I never had a crush on the men I liked.
Fanny Bryce

Jealousy is a fear of the superiority of another person.
Alexander Dumas the son.

A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy and never forgives the absence of jealousy.

In love, there are only two things: bodies and words.
Joyce Carol Oates.

Emptiness sucks. That is why a man is attracted to a woman.
Natalie Clifford Barney.

Women are grateful for love; men demand gratitude.
Henrik Caden.

They do not believe in rheumatism and true love until the first attack.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

When we are confident in the love of a woman, we are interested in the degree of her beauty; when we doubt her heart, we have no time to think about her face.

To keep her husband, make him a little jealous; to lose your husband, make him a little jealous.
Henry Louis Mencken.

One who was happy in love has no idea about it.
Jean Anouil.

Sublime love requires leisure.
Andre Morois.

If your wife cheated on you, then rejoice that she cheated on you, and not on your fatherland.
Anton Chekhov.

Everyone wants to get such a love that he does not deserve.
Leszek Kumor.

People with the means think that the main thing in life is love; the poor know for sure that the main thing is money.
Gerald Brenan.

Women are sadists; they torment us with the torment we inflict on them.
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

The man is already half in love with every woman who listens as he speaks.
Francis Bacon.

A man is jealous of his predecessors, a woman is jealous of those who come after her.
Marcel Auchard.

The cure for love: marriage.
Anthony Unekhovsky.

To be loved, it is best to be beautiful. But to be beautiful, you need to be loved.
Francoise Sagan.

A woman is such a subtle creature that she begins to feel sorry for you a few days before her betrayal.
Cornel Makushinsky.

In love, women are professionals, and men are lovers.
Francois Truffaut.

Love is a card game in which both bluff: one to win, the other not to lose.
Henri Rainier.

Having stopped loving, you do not cry. Crying when you stopped loving you.
Carla Lane

The beloved woman is the one who can cause more suffering.
Etienne Ray.

After unhappy love, a man remains a bachelor, a woman gets married.

Love without limits imposes a terribly many restrictions on a person.
Mechislav Stanzlik.

Women love the vanquished, but cheat on them with the winners.
Tennessee Williams.

Love a woman the way you made her, or make her the way you love her.
Juan de la Cruz.

How should I behave, - asked one of my acquaintances, - having caught at home a friend of his wife in bed with a stranger?
Stanislav Jerzy Lets.

A woman is the weakest when she loves, and most of all when she is loved.
Erich Osterfeld.

The measure of love is love without measure.
Modified Francis Salsky.

He who is not jealous of even a drop of hope is not jealous.
Ivan Turgenev.

A sheep’s love for a wolf lasts until its last breath.
Jozef Bulatovich.

We always believe that our first love is the last, and our last love is the first.
George White Melville.

A man can have two, from the strength of three romance novels on the side, while he is married. More is already a hoax.
Yves Montand.

The man, finally disappointed in women, tries again.
Leszek Kumor.

Do not strive to always be right in relation to the one you love.
Jean Itier.

The criminal is irresistibly drawn to the scene of the crime against marital fidelity.
Leszek Kumor.

There are eternal themes in the world, exciting both our contemporaries and predecessors. These include the topic of jealousy. What is it like and how to deal with it? The great minds of the past answered this question more wittily and more fully than any of the current psychologists would answer. We picked up five quotes that vividly and metaphorically reveal the topic of jealousy.

Honore de Balzac, far from being a modest man in love affairs, jealous himself and making women jealous of himself, wrote of male jealousy:

“To be jealous of a woman who loves you would be at least illogical. One of two things: you are loved or not loved. In both of these extreme cases, jealousy is completely pointless. The man’s jealousy seems to be as inexplicable as fear. Perhaps, however, that the manifestation of fear in love is jealousy. In this case, the jealous does not really doubt his wife, but himself. "Jealousy in a man consists of selfishness brought to hell, of pride, taken by surprise, and annoyed false vanity."

Jealousy is outwardly unfounded - if there are doubts about yourself, then even a crystal-clear, beloved person will cause distrust.

The writer says that jealousy is pointless: love is either there or it is not. However, such a conclusion rarely reassures the jealous, for jealousy does not lend itself to logic. It did not reassure Balzac, who had loved and jealous of his beloved all his life.

Repeats the great Frenchman and the English writer Daphne du Maurier, saying that

“The jealousy of a man is impulsive, stupid and devoid of depth, like the jealousy of a child. The jealousy of a woman is the jealousy of an adult, and that’s completely different. ”

Jealousy of a man is fundamentally different from jealousy of a woman. If a woman is jealous of her rival, then a man is able to be jealous of everything that distracts a woman from his person: to children, parents, friends, hobbies and even work.

Male jealousy is like an outbreak, while women analyze the situation, compare themselves with a rival, look for the causes of betrayal, and especially in themselves. This is because biologically women are more dependent on men, especially during pregnancy and infancy.

Jealousy is an unproductive feeling. Dostoevsky on this subject put it succinctly and wisely:

“In a truly loving heart, jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy. The exact opposite happens with passion. ”

Love is a productive feeling, it is it that allows you to build harmonious relationships, raise children in a calm and peaceful environment, solve life problems together and together. In a state of passion it is more difficult to do this, jealousy will take away all the forces.

Here is how the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev thought about this feeling:

“Jealousy is not connected with human freedom. Jealousy has an instinct for ownership and domination, but in a state of humiliation. It is necessary to recognize the right of love and deny the right of jealousy, ceasing to idealize it ... Jealousy is the tyranny of man over man. “Female jealousy is especially disgusting, turning a woman into a fury.”

To stop idealizing jealousy is already half the battle for those who have decided to work on themselves to get rid of this feeling.

Jealousy has one antidote - trust. How to get out of the oppressive state of jealousy? A frank conversation with your loved one will help; development of self-confidence in a loved one, in people, in the world, in oneself will help.

Finally, we quote this time an unknown author from the network, which gives one more effective advice on how to get rid of jealousy:

“You cannot insure against treason by jealousy, threats, or the demand of oaths, but you can try by personal example - fidelity.”

Wild jealousy commits more crimes than self-interest and ambition.

Francois Marie Voltaire

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The surest way to correct a woman is to show her the ideal and say that this is her portrait. Out of jealousy, she wants to become its original and will certainly be able to become its bearable copy.

B. Klyuchevsky

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If a woman has more talent and knowledge, then the husband will often involuntarily experience a feeling of jealousy. Although this is unfair and absurd, for centuries a man has become so used to dominating a marriage that he feels hurt in his dignity if a woman surpasses him in his own field.

Andre Morois

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A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy and never forgives the absence of jealousy.

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He loves his wife and old husband, if not jealous.

Russian proverb

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A woman who does not love anyone, in no one can cause jealousy.

Miguel de Cervantes

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To be jealous of a woman who loves you would be at least illogical. One of two things: you are loved or not loved. In both of these extreme cases, jealousy is completely pointless.

Honore de Balzac

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Jealousy is a source of torment for the lover and resentment for the beloved.

Carlo Goldoni

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Jealousy is a form of fear if you want to preserve the possession of some good ... They despise a person who is jealous of his wife, as this indicates that he really does not love her and that he has a bad opinion of himself or her. I say that he really does not love her, because if he had true love for her, he would have no motivation not to trust her. And, in fact, he does not love her, but only the good that he sees in her possession. He would not be afraid to lose this blessing if he did not consider himself unworthy of him or if he did not believe that his wife was unfaithful to him. In a word, this passion refers only to suspicion and distrust ...

Rene Descartes

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Jealousy sometimes is not only the death and destruction of the lover, but often kills love itself.

Giordano Bruno

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Jealousy in men is always a proof of strong love, and in women it is often nothing but vanity, because we see how some of them are jealous of their husbands, whom they do not like at all.

William Shakespeare

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Jealousy is gullible, like a child, and furious, like a wild animal.

N. Nekrasov

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Jealousy shakes and poisons everything that is beautiful and good in love.

Giordano Bruno

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Jealousy is more akin to malevolence than love.

Frank Zandere

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Jealousy is just a stupid child of pride or a disease of a madman.

Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

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Jealousy is a source of torment for the lover and resentment for the beloved.

Carlo Goldoni

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Jealousy is a monster, itself both conceiving and giving birth.

William Shakespeare

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Jealousy is the art of doing more evil to oneself than to others.

Alexander Dumas son

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Ugly women are always jealous of their husbands.

Beautiful - not so much, they are jealous of strangers.

Oscar Wilde

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Already one husband's jealousy draws his wife to another. The rational guard his wife, not showing jealousy.

Ancient Indian dictum

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Physical jealousy is more condemnation of oneself. Knowing what you yourself are capable of thinking, you decide that she is thinking the same thing.

Albert Camus

Jealous is only those people who by all means try not to cause you this feeling.

Even in jealousy, a man and a woman are radically different: he finds the reasons in the past of the woman, and she in his future.

Like any painful condition, jealousy reaches its peak in the evening.

You only love while you feel the pain of the potential loss of a loved one.

Maybe someone will feel better from this, but it seems to me that people who are not worthy of love can have no doubt that they are faithful. Why doubt, if everything is obvious.

Jealousy is a magnifying glass in the hands of a schizophrenic. She is able to inflate any trifle to the scale of the universe.

Jealousy, like gossip, feeds on doubts and conjectures. A small handful of facts can completely deprive her of her ability to exist.

Once arisen jealousy can exist even without an object of love.

Kill the consumer in yourself, and you will see how stupid to be jealous.

Any woman is offended when a man doubts her loyalty. Even more offensive to her, if he has no doubt.

Continue quotes read on the pages:

Wives are jealous and unloved husbands. Alfred Conar

For jealousy, there is nothing worse than laughter. (F. Sagan)

Jealousy is just a stupid child of pride or a disease of a madman. - P. Beaumarchais

Jealousy is the art of causing more harm to oneself than to others. - A. Dumas the son

Saw a busty blonde? Have a look? Was she worth the fucking bells you got now?

If in one case jealousy proves love, then in another case it proves just the opposite. - P. Bourget

Jealousy is a feeling of loneliness among laughing enemies. (E. Bowen)

Jealousy has more self-love than love. - F. Laroshfuko

Jealousy in a man consists of selfishness brought to hell, of pride, taken by surprise, and annoyed false vanity

To keep her husband, make him a little jealous; to lose your husband make him a little jealous

Indifferent husbands come out of jealous grooms ...

Wild jealousy commits more crimes than self-interest and ambition

Big love needs a big breath. Galina Nikolaeva

He is jealous - that means he loves, he is not jealous - that means he respects. A. Stass

In a truly loving heart, jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy. - F. Dostoevsky

Ugly women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful - not so much, they are jealous of strangers. - O. Wilde

An intelligent person has the right to be unhappy only because of a woman who is worth it. Marcel Proust

Jealousy is not connected with human freedom. Jealousy has an instinct for ownership and domination, but in a state of humiliation. It is necessary to recognize the right of love and deny the right of jealousy, ceasing to idealize it ... Jealousy is the tyranny of man over man. Female jealousy is especially disgusting, turning a woman into a fury

Love and friendship are mutual echoes: they give as much as they take. A.I. Herzen

Constant distrust is too much a price for the opportunity not to be deceived. Pierre Bouast

When there is no power for love, there is still power for jealousy. (M. Dombrovskaya)

Jealousy is a fear of the superiority of another person. (A. Dumas son)

These guys are pissing me off! Constantly jealous of everything! Listen, dear ones, if you are not confident in yourself, then these are your problems!

At first I was very jealous of my husband. But when she was cheated, she immediately ceased to be jealous! Lidia Smirnova

The jealousy of romantic partners flatters and angers at the same time.

There is such a love that in its highest manifestation leaves no room for jealousy. - F. Laroshfuko

Jealousy ... is a disease of insignificant people who do not respect themselves or their rights to attach to their favorite subject ... V.G. Belinsky

The jealous always finds more than he seeks. Madeleine de Scudery

Jealousy is a feeling of loneliness among laughing enemies

And what about jealousy? - This is the passion of a wretched, stingy animal, afraid of loss; it is a feeling unworthy of man ...

Jealousy is the wittiest passion and yet still the greatest stupidity

The jealous does not really doubt his wife, but himself. Balzac

Inferiority complex: jealous of a wife for every man; megalomania: believe that she loves you alone. Boris Krutier

A woman rarely forgives us jealousy and never forgives her absence. - J. Thule

Jealousy is always born with love, but not always with it dies. (Francois de Larochefoucauld)

A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; the woman is jealous because she does not love herself enough. Jermaine Greer

Jealousy has nothing to do with love. Jealousy is the fear of being worse than the opponent.

Indifferent husbands come out of jealous grooms. Mayne Reid

Jealousy is love for a person minus respect for him and minus respect for himself.

Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, and people call it love. Heine

Jealousy - the point of view according to which you differ in bad taste alone. Henry Mencken

Just because I’m not afraid of tickling doesn’t mean that I am, fucking jealous!

Jealousy in a man consists of selfishness brought to hell, of pride, taken by surprise, and irritated vanity. Balzac

Jealousy believes everyone and does not trust anyone. (V. Grzeczyk)

He who is not jealous of even a drop of hope is not jealous. I.S. Turgenev

Wild jealousy commits more crimes than self-interest. Voltaire

Everything is clear of jealousy, but there is no evidence! M.Yu. Lermontov

The jealous does not really doubt his wife, but himself. (Honore de Balzac)

Jealousy is a source of torment for the lover and resentment for the beloved. Carlo Goldoni

Blindness is not love, but jealousy. Lawrence Darrell

Sufferers of love, I envy you: You know the ulcers, the sign and the balm. Saadi

Loves because he loves, does not love because he does not love - the logic of feelings and passions is short

To keep her husband, make him a little jealous; to lose your husband, make him a little jealous. Henry Mencken

Nothing Ties Like Jealousy (Andre Morois)

Jealousy is a fear of the superiority of another person. Alexander Dumas son

Ugly women are jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women are not up to it - they are busy with the fact that they are jealous of other husbands. Oscar Wilde

You can only be jealous of what you possess. - Anna Steel

You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. (Stanislav Jerzy Lets)

A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy and never forgives the absence of jealousy. Colette

At night, I dream that my telly kills my computer because of jealousy.

Jealousy believes everyone and does not trust anyone. Vladislav Gzheshchik

I do not think that there is suffering in the world, more humiliating jealousy. Anatole France

We enjoy jealousy only of those whom we ourselves could be jealous of. Stendhal

Jealousy is a feeling of loneliness among laughing enemies. Elizabeth Bowen

Painful jealousy - the desire that someone belong to you as a result of low self-esteem!

The collection includes quotes about jealousy and distrust ...

  • At first I was very jealous of my husband. But when she was cheated, she immediately ceased to be jealous! Lidia Smirnova
  • Wild jealousy commits more crimes than self-interest and ambition. Voltaire
  • I have always hated jealousy; she is too much like envy. Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev
  • To keep her husband, make him a little jealous; to lose your husband, make him a little jealous. Henry Mencken
  • A woman in love closes in the world of her beloved man; jealousy strengthens loneliness and thereby makes addiction even stronger. Simone de Beauvoir
  • Physical jealousy is to a large extent a condemnation of oneself. Knowing what you yourself are capable of thinking, you decide that she is thinking the same thing. Albert Camus
  • Big love needs a big breath. Galina Nikolaeva
  • Alas, I know too well what jealousy is at first sight. Sylvia Cheese
  • For jealousy, there is nothing worse than laughter. F. Sagan
  • Sufferers of love, I envy you: You know the ulcers, the sign and the balm. Saadi
  • A woman rarely forgives a man jealousy and never forgives the absence of jealousy. Colette
  • Blindness is not love, but jealousy. Lawrence Darrell
  • Ugly women are jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women are not up to it - they are busy with the fact that they are jealous of other husbands. Oscar Wilde
  • Indifferent husbands come out of jealous grooms. Mayne Reid
  • Jealousy ... is a disease of insignificant people who do not respect themselves or their rights to attach to their favorite subject ... V.G. Belinsky

  • Inferiority complex: jealous of a wife for every man; megalomania: believe that she loves you alone. Boris Krutier
  • Jealousy is often nothing more than a restless desire for tyranny, transferred to the realm of love. Marcel Proust
  • Love and friendship are mutual echoes: they give as much as they take. A.I. Herzen
  • Jealousy is more akin to hostility than love. Frank Knight Sanders
  • You can fall in love out of jealousy alone. Stanislav Jerzy Lets
  • Jealousy shakes and poisons everything that is beautiful and good in love. Giordano Bruno
  • A man is jealous because he loves himself too much; the woman is jealous because she does not love herself enough. Jermaine Greer
  • Jealousy in no situation can benefit the individual. Alfred Adler
  • I do not think that there is suffering in the world more humiliating than jealousy that fills our soul with disgusting pictures. Anatole France
  • Jealousy is gullible, like a child, and furious, like a wild animal. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov
  • Infidelity should kill love, and should not be jealous when there is reason for it: only one who tries not to cause it is worthy of jealousy. Francois de Larochefoucauld
  • Jealousy is a fear of comparison. Max frisch
  • Just as love does not have a closer friend than jealousy, so it does not have a greater enemy: in the same way, nothing is more hostile to iron than rust, which is born from itself. Giordano Bruno
  • Jealousy believes everyone and does not trust anyone. V. Gzheshchik
  • A jealous wife is sometimes even pleasant to her husband: at least all the time he hears conversations about the subject of his love. Francois de Larochefoucauld
  • Jealousy excite one love befitting. Pierre Cornell
  • The jealous does not really doubt his wife, but himself. Honore de Balzac
  • Jealousy is the passion of a wretched, stingy animal, afraid of loss; it is a feeling unworthy of man, the fruit of our rotten morals and property rights, extended to a sentient, thinking, wanting, free creature. Denis Didro
  • Jealous people change more often than non-jealous ones. Carol Botuin, psychologist
  • Jealousy is a mixture of feelings of ownership, feelings of distrust and feelings of defeat. Having a feeling of love is not necessary.
  • A jealous husband is like a Turk. Kozma Rods
  • Jealousy is a source of torment for a lover and resentment for a loved one. Carlo Goldoni
  • To be jealous is to love as if you hate. Edouard Herriot
  • Jealousy is a fear of the superiority of another person. A. Dumas the son
  • Jealousy is just a stupid child of pride or a disease of a madman. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais
  • Jealousy is the point of view according to which you are not alone in bad taste. Henry Mencken
  • Jealousy is a form of ownership. Paul Lafargue
  • Jealousy is the sister of ambition. Alfred Adler
  • Jealousy is the sister of love, just as the devil is the brother of angels. Stanislas Jean de Buffler
  • Jealousy is a decisive step towards the loss of love. Frantisek Cover
  • Jealousy is the same gout: if these ailments are in the blood, you can never be sure that they will not erupt all of a sudden, and often this happens on the most insignificant occasions when you least expect it. Henry Fielding
  • Jealousy is a sign of love. Alexander Dumas (father)
  • Jealousy is a monster, itself both conceiving and giving birth. William Shakespeare
  • Jealous of wives means making them unhappy. Unsur al-Maali
  • Jealousy is the art of doing more evil to oneself than to others. Alexander Dumas (son)
  • A jealous man in his soul would wish to be no more no less than a god for the subject of his love. Benjamin Johnson
  • Jealousy is a feeling of loneliness among laughing enemies. E. Bowen
  • Jealous do not need a reason: they are often jealous not at all about, but because they are jealous. William Shakespeare
  • Jealousy is a dog barking that lures a thief. Karl Kraus
  • Jealous people always look into a telescope, which turns small things into big ones, dwarfs into giants, guesses into truth. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  • Jealousy would not be so painful if we understood how little we deserve the feeling called love. Paul Eldridge
  • The jealous always finds more than he seeks. Madeleine de Scudery
  • Jealousy is always born with love, but not always with it dies. Francois de Larochefoucauld

  • Constant distrust is too much a price for the opportunity not to be deceived. Pierre Bouast
  • Jealousy is the concern of one to enjoy what is achieved and to keep it. Benedict Spinoza
  • Nothing Tie Up Beyond André Maurois Jealousy
  • Jealousy sometimes is not only the death and destruction of the lover, but often kills love itself, especially when it causes indignation: after all, jealousy is so inflated by this brainchild that it repels love, begins to neglect the object, and even completely ceases to consider it its object. Giordano Bruno
  • He who is not jealous of even a drop of hope is not jealous. I.S. Turgenev
  • Jealousy deals a mortal blow to the most enduring and strongest love. Ovid
  • We enjoy jealousy only of those whom we ourselves could be jealous of. Stendhal
  • Jealousy feeds on doubt; she dies or goes into a frenzy as soon as doubts turn into confidence. Francois de Larochefoucauld
  • A man is jealous of his predecessors, a woman is jealous of those who come after her. Marcel Auchard
  • The jealousy of romantic partners flatters and angers at the same time.
  • Jealous love is more like hate. Moliere
  • Jealousy in a man consists of selfishness brought to hell, of pride, taken by surprise, and annoyed false vanity. Honore de Balzac
  • Strong as death, love; jealousy, like hell; her arrows are arrows of fire. Old Testament. Song of songs
  • Jealousy, like illness, worsens in the evening. Paul Lotan
  • When there is no power for love, there is still power for jealousy. M. Dombrowskaya
  • He is jealous - that means he loves, he is not jealous - that means he respects. A. Stass
  • Zaruby yourself: jealous if there really is a reason for this. - means to derail your marriage. Claire Luce
  • It should be carefully distinguished among the peoples of jealousy, which is generated by passion, from jealousy, which is based on customs, mores, laws. One is an all-devouring febrile flame; the other, cold, but sometimes terrible, can combine with indifference and contempt. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • Wives are jealous and unloved husbands. Alfred Conar
  • Jealousy is a completely different matter, which is a much more complex and dangerous attitude, since in no situations can it be beneficial to the individual. Moreover, jealousy is the result of a strong and deep sense of inferiority. As a rule, a jealous person is afraid not to keep his partner, and at the very moment when he wants to control and influence him, with various manifestations of jealousy, he only betrays his weakness. Alfred Adler
  • There is gross jealousy - when you do not trust the one you love; there is refined jealousy when you do not trust yourself. Philippe Pananti